26 April, 2024

Regional Centre


News Detail


16 October, 2020

Programme Code : BLIS

Course Code : BLIE227
Date : 20.10.2020 Tuesday
Time : 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM
June 2020 BLIS Practical.
1. The online practical exam would be conducted using Google Meet. The link for the online meet is https://meet.google.com/xtd-oomb-rvn.
2. Students must join 10 minutes prior to the start of the schedule.
3. Students are encouraged to join using Desktop or Laptop computer to avoid unnecessary technical issues.
4. If you are joining using mobile phone download and install Google Meet App from Play Store/Apple App Store.
5. Students are encouraged to use headphone for clear and better communication.
6. Make sure that uninterrupted power supply is ensured for Laptop/Desktop. Keep your mobile phones fully recharged.
7. Make yourselves available in a place where there is no noise disturbance and there is good internet connectivity.
8. Soon after joining mute your audio and video. Wait for your turn. Unmute your audio and video only when you are asked to interact. After interaction, mute your audio and video again. 
9. Attendance will be taken in the first 10 minutes. So all students attending the examination must join latest by 11.10AM.
10.Only those students whose name appears in the attendance provided by IGNOU headquarters would be allowed to attend the examination.
11.Keep ready with you IGNOU identity card and IGNOU hall ticket.
12.GMail account is necessary to join using Google Meet.